College Math Tutoring
F2A MC recognizes the stuggles of mathematics, therefore, we don't just offer services to K-12 students. College students have the opportunity to take advantage of tutoring servies also.
We have qualified tutors to assist those students of higher education.
Individual and small group tutoring is available. To make an appointment at the Tutoring Center, please call at least three days before you need the appointment. Appointments can be made up to one week in advance.
If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call the Tutoring Center at (734) 325-4166 by 7:00pm the night before your scheduled appointment. Failure to do so counts as a late cancel. Students are allowed one late cancels and/or no shows. Once you have accumulated one late cancels and/or no shows, a late cancelation/no show charge will be charged at your next tutoring session.